Results for 'Pia Heike Johansen'

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  1.  22
    Listening to Silence: Bringing Forward the Background Noise of Being.Pia Heike Johansen - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (7-8):279-293.
    This paper sets out to conduct an embodied and situated aural analysis of what silence in Northern Norway is about, with the aim of bringing forward the background noise. The paper brings together theories on construction of the rural, time-space relations, soundscape ecology, and on affect and power, and it merges academic traditions about how to communicate findings from non-visual biased studies. This interdisciplinary framework provides a novel structure for both analysing material and communicating findings from embodied studies of listening (...)
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    Sexual Activity in Couples Dealing With Breast Cancer. A Cohort Study of Associations With Patient, Partner and Relationship-Related Factors.Nina Rottmann, Pia Veldt Larsen, Christoffer Johansen, Mariët Hagedoorn, Susanne Oksbjerg Dalton & Dorte Gilså Hansen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveBreast cancer may profoundly affect a couple’s sex life. The present study examines whether patient-, partner- and relationship-related characteristics are associated with sexual activity of couples following breast cancer diagnosis in the treatment phase and over time.MethodsWomen with breast cancer and their male cohabiting partners participated in a longitudinal study in Denmark. Logistic regression was used to examine associations of patient-, partner- and relationship-related characteristics at baseline with couples’ sexual activity at baseline, 5 and 12 months later. The longitudinal analyses (...)
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    Muss Strafe sein?: Kolloquium zum 60. Geburtstag von Herrn Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Heike Jung.Heike Jung & Henning Radtke (eds.) - 2004 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    German; one contribution each in English and French.
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  4. Aristotle on the Sense-Organs.T. K. Johansen - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers an important study of Aristotle's theory of the sense-organs. It aims to answer two questions central to Aristotle's psychology and biology: why does Aristotle think we have sense-organs, and why does he describe the sense-organs in the way he does? The author looks at all the Aristotelian evidence for the five senses and shows how pervasively Aristotle's accounts of the sense-organs are motivated by his interest in form and function. The book also engages with the celebrated problem (...)
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    Heike Delitz: Arnold Gehlen.Heike Delitz & Christian Hauck - 2015 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 68 (1):038-050.
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    Towards Transparency by Design for Artificial Intelligence.Heike Felzmann, Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Christoph Lutz & Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (6):3333-3361.
    In this article, we develop the concept of Transparency by Design that serves as practical guidance in helping promote the beneficial functions of transparency while mitigating its challenges in automated-decision making environments. With the rise of artificial intelligence and the ability of AI systems to make automated and self-learned decisions, a call for transparency of how such systems reach decisions has echoed within academic and policy circles. The term transparency, however, relates to multiple concepts, fulfills many functions, and holds different (...)
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    Sacred retreat: using natural cycles to recharge your life.Pia Orleane - 2017 - Rochester, Vermont: Bear & Company.
    Restoring our biological cycles to heal ourselves, our culture, and our planet Shows how, just like the tides and the moon phases, both women and men have biological cycles of growth and renewal necessary for healthy bodies and minds. Explains how the seclusion of women during menstruation and of men during vision quests offers a cleansing process for body and mind to awaken innate creativity and sensitivity, re-attune us with the deeper rhythms of the body and nature, and restore harmony (...)
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  8. Plato's Natural Philosophy: A Study of the Timaeus-Critias.Thomas Johansen - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Plato's dialogue the Timaeus-Critias presents two connected accounts, that of the story of Atlantis and its defeat by ancient Athens and that of the creation of the cosmos by a divine craftsman. This book offers a unified reading of the dialogue. It tackles a wide range of interpretative and philosophical issues. Topics discussed include the function of the famous Atlantis story, the notion of cosmology as 'myth' and as 'likely', and the role of God in Platonic cosmology. Other areas commented (...)
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  9. Dialogic Semiosis: An Essay on Signs and Meaning.Jorgen Dines JOHANSEN - 1993 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 30 (1):155-166.
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  10. Aristotle on the Sense of Smell.Thomas Johansen - 1996 - Phronesis 41 (1):1-19.
  11.  39
    Semiotic Scaffolding in Mathematics.Mikkel Willum Johansen & Morten Misfeldt - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (2):325-340.
    This paper investigates the notion of semiotic scaffolding in relation to mathematics by considering its influence on mathematical activities, and on the evolution of mathematics as a research field. We will do this by analyzing the role different representational forms play in mathematical cognition, and more broadly on mathematical activities. In the main part of the paper, we will present and analyze three different cases. For the first case, we investigate the semiotic scaffolding involved in pencil and paper multiplication. For (...)
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  12. Das Tier in der philosophischen und theologischen Ethik.Heike Baranzke - 1997 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 50 (2).
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  13. Dio perchè?Pia Bruzzichelli & Luigi Bovo (eds.) - 1971 - Assisi,: Pro civitate christiana.
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  14. Dogville or An Illustration of Some Properties of General Equilibrium.Heike Harmgart - unknown
    In this note we argue that Lars von Trier’s movie Dogville can be viewed as an illustration of a simple economy where one agent has only her body as initial endowment. The movie illustrates some interesting comparative statics of equilibrium allocations. It shows how life would be like in a world where, in the absence of constitutional or legal constraints, economic forces reign freely and raises some fundamental issues of voluntary exchange versus force that apply to a number of contentious (...)
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  15.  20
    Concepts, Content, and Consciousness: A Kantian View of Mind.Deborah K. Heikes - 1998 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    The mind is, for Kant, a functional system whereby bare sensations are combined into representations of objects and unified within a single consciousness. I argue that this picture allows for realistic mental content and provides a useful explanation of the nature of consciousness. ;However, despite its insights, a Kantian view of mind has two significant difficulties: the first concerns the relationship between mental concepts and objects in the world while the second concerns the relationship of concepts to the consciousness which (...)
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  16.  42
    Parts in Aristotle’s Definition of Soul: De Anima Books I and II.Thomas K. Johansen - 2014 - In Dominik Perler & Klaus Corcilius, Ockham on Emotions in the Divided Soul. Berlin & New York: De Gruyter. pp. 39-62.
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  17. Studier over Platons Parmenides i dens forhold til tidligere platoniske dialoger.Friis Johansen & Karsten[From Old Catalog] - 1964 - København,: Munksgaard.
  18. Dynamic spatio-temporal landscape models.Heike Lischke, Janine Bolliger & Ralf Seppelt - 2007 - In Felix Kienast, Otto Wildi & S. Ghosh, A changing world: challenges for landscape research. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
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  19. Fra død til verk, om Barthes' "dagbok".Knut Stene-Johansen - 1988 - In Knut Ove Eliassen, Jørgen L. Lorentzen & Arne Stav, Fransk åpning mot fornuften: en postmoderne antologi. Bergen [Norway]: Ariadne.
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    "--wollet mir jetzt durch die phantastisch verschlungenen Kreuzgänge folgen!": metaphorisches Sprechen in der Musikkritik der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts.Heike Stumpf - 1996 - New York: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Poetisierende Musikbeschreibungen werden von der Wissenschaft, von Musikern und Konzertbesuchern heute mehr belächelt als ernst genommen. Durch das Ansprechen von Einbildungskraft und Gefühl haben sie aber eine Unmittelbarkeit, die der kompositionstechnischen Analyse in der Regel fehlt. Die Wurzeln einer metaphorischen Musikbeschreibung um die Wende zum 19. Jahrhundert sind dabei gleichermaßen historisch wie systematisch zu fassen. Zahlreiche Zitate aus den Fachzeitschriften bis zur Jahrhundertmitte dokumentieren die Herausbildung eines festumrissenen Bildervorrats, um musikalische Eindrücke zur Sprache zu bringen. Der kreative Umgang mit Beschreibungskonventionen (...)
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  21.  17
    Numbers, Language, and the Human Mind.Heike Wiese - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    What constitutes our number concept? What makes it possible for us to employ numbers the way we do; which mental faculties contribute to our grasp of numbers? What do we share with other species, and what is specific to humans? How does our language faculty come into the picture? This 2003 book addresses these questions and discusses the relationship between numerical thinking and the human language faculty, providing psychological, linguistic and philosophical perspectives on number, its evolution and its development in (...)
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  22.  28
    How palliative care patients’ feelings of being a burden to others can motivate a wish to die. Moral challenges in clinics and families.Heike Gudat, Kathrin Ohnsorge, Nina Streeck & Christoph Rehmann‐Sutter - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (4):421-430.
    The article explores the underlying reasons for patients’ self‐perception of being a burden (SPB) in family settings, including its impact on relationships when wishes to die (WTD) are expressed. In a prospective, interview‐based study of WTD in patients with advanced cancer and non‐cancer disease (organ failure, degenerative neurological disease, and frailty) SPB was an important emerging theme. In a sub‐analysis we examined (a) the facets of SPB, (b) correlations between SPB and WTD, and (c) SPB as a relational phenomenon. We (...)
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    Distanciation in Ricoeur's theory of interpretation: narrations in a study of life experiences of living with chronic illness and home mechanical ventilation.Pia Sander Dreyer & Birthe D. Pedersen - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (1):64-73.
    Within the caring science paradigm, variations of a method of interpretation inspired by the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur's theory of interpretation are used. This method consists of several levels of interpretation: a naïve reading, a structural analysis, and a critical analysis and discussion. Within this paradigm, the aim of this article is to present and discuss a means of creating distance in the interpretation and the text structure by using narration in a poetic language linked to the meaning of the (...)
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  24.  39
    The Coordinated Interplay of Scene, Utterance, and World Knowledge: Evidence From Eye Tracking.Pia Knoeferle & Matthew W. Crocker - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (3):481-529.
    Two studies investigated the interaction between utterance and scene processing by monitoring eye movements in agent–action–patient events, while participants listened to related utterances. The aim of Experiment 1 was to determine if and when depicted events are used for thematic role assignment and structural disambiguation of temporarily ambiguous English sentences. Shortly after the verb identified relevant depicted actions, eye movements in the event scenes revealed disambiguation. Experiment 2 investigated the relative importance of linguistic/world knowledge and scene information. When the verb (...)
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  25.  17
    A history of ancient philosophy: from the beginnings to Augustine.K. Friis Johansen - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    This book discusses key philosophical concepts and ideologies, including ontology, epistemology, logic, semantics, moral and political philosophy, theology and aesthetics during classical antiquity. Karsten Friis Johansen charts the history of ancient philosophy from the mythological oral tradition, Homer and early tragedy, to the giants of Plato and Aristotle through to paganism and the genesis of Christianity. A History of Ancient Philosophy also presents detailed analysis of individual ancient philosophers and interpretations and commentary on key philosophical passages.
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  26.  14
    Patientenautonomie Und Informierte Einwilligung: Schlüssel Und Barriere Medizinischer Behandlungen.Pia Becker - 2019 - J.B. Metzler.
    Pia Becker entwirft eine Konzeption von Patientenautonomie, die sich im Gegensatz zu in der Medizinethik bisher dominierenden Konzeptionen an der grundsätzlichen Fähigkeit des Patienten zur Autonomie orientiert. Ausgangspunkt bildet die Notwendigkeit der informierten Einwilligung, die neben der Patientenautonomie vor allem auch die körperliche Integrität des Patienten schützt. Als Adäquatheitsbedingungen dienen die beiden normativen Funktionen der Patientenautonomie als Barriere und Schlüssel einer medizinischen Behandlung. Diese Konzeption von Patientenautonomie hat den Vorteil, Patienten besser vor Überforderungen zu bewahren und deren Bedarf an Unterstützungsangeboten (...)
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    Nonverbal signals speak up: Association between perceptual nonverbal dominance and emotional intelligence.Heike Jacob, Benjamin Kreifelts, Carolin Brück, Sophia Nizielski, Astrid Schütz & Dirk Wildgruber - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (5):783-799.
  28. Autonomie (Kant).Heike Baranzke - 2013 - In Antje Kapust, Rolf Gröschner & Oliver W. Lembcke, Wörterbuch der Würde. München: UTB.
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  29. Wer ist eine Person? : zur bioethischen Brisanz einer Frage im Ausgang von John Locke.Heike Baranzke - 2013 - In Inga Römer & Matthias Wunsch, Person: anthropologische, phänomenologische und analytische Perspektiven. Münster: Mentis.
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  30. It is not my time that is thus arranged..." : Bergson, the "category project," and the structuralist turn.Heike Delitz - 2022 - In Johannes F. M. Schick, Mario Schmidt & Martin Zillinger, The social origins of thought: Durkheim, Mauss, and the category project. New York: Berghahn.
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    Ich zuerst!: eine Gesellschaft auf dem Ego-Trip.Heike Leitschuh - 2018 - Frankfurt: Westend.
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  32.  13
    Ethical questions in healthcare chaplaincy: learning to make informed decisions.Pia Matthews - 2018 - Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
    The basics -- The dignity of the human person -- Autonomy, consent, refusing treatment and boundaries -- Ethics and non-autonomous patients -- Confidentiality, privacy, data protection, truth telling and trust -- Ethical issues at the beginning of life -- Ethical issues about babies, children and young adults -- Ethical issues at the end of life -- Dying and death: ethical issues -- Loss, grief and bereavement, burn-out and the wounded healer -- Conscientious objection and loyalties.
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  33.  19
    Text und Emotion: Theorie, Methode undAnwendungsbeispiele emotionslinguistischer Textanalyse.Heike Ortner - 2014 - Tübingen: Narr Verlag.
    Nachdem der Zusammenhang zwischen Sprache und Emotion in der Linguistik lange Zeit vernachlässigt wurde, erhält diese Frage seit etwa 25 Jahren so hohe Aufmerksamkeit, dass von einem 'emotional turn' gesprochen werden kann. Der vorliegende Band dient als Zusammenfassung des aktuellen Forschungsstandes zu diesem komplexen Thema. Berücksichtigt werden Erkenntnisse aus verschiedenen Teildisziplinen, z.B. Semiotik, Lexikologie, Pragmatik, Kognitive Linguistik und Textlinguistik. Im methodischen Teil wird gezeigt, wie eine emotionslinguistische Analyse emotive Strukturen in Texten offenlegen kann, wobei die vorgeschlagene Methode leicht an verschiedene (...)
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  34. La filosofia del paradosso nel mondo civile delle nazioni: Vico, Pascal e Domat.Mariagrazia Pia - 1998 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 28:121-152.
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    The influence of the immediate visual context on incremental thematic role-assignment: evidence from eye-movements in depicted events.Pia Knoeferle, Matthew W. Crocker, Christoph Scheepers & Martin J. Pickering - 2005 - Cognition 95 (1):95-127.
  36.  22
    Antropologia filosofica: Autori principali e testi fondamentali.Heike Delitz - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
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  37. Durkheim and Bergson, Durkheimians and Bergsonians.Heike Delitz - 2024 - In Hans Joas & Andreas Pettenkofer, The Oxford handbook of Emile Durkheim. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    La unidad de las dualidades humanas. Sobre «El hombre como ser dual» de Salvador Piá Tarazona.Piá Tarazona de Salvador & Juan Fernando Sellés - 2002 - Studia Poliana 4:181-208.
    Salvador Piá Tarazona’s book, El hombre como ser dual is an important methodical-thematic advance in the research of transcendental anthropology as much as it does not detain its focus on human nature nor its development , but rather on th readicality of personal intimacy and its openness to transcendence.
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  39. Platons filosofi.K. Friis Johansen - 1966 - [København]: Gad.
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  40. The Concept of Nature in Democritus.K. Friis Johansen - 1986 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 23:148-167.
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  41.  12
    How to hygge: the Nordic secrets to a happy life.Signe Johansen - 2017 - New York: St. Martin's Griffin.
    Nature & the seasons -- Outdoor pursuits -- The spirit of self-sufficiency -- The joy of fika -- The Nordic kitchen -- Healthy hedonism -- Design & home -- Kinship, conviviality & openness -- How to hygge-at a glance.
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    The blood–CSF barrier explained: when development is not immaturity.Pia A. Johansson, Katarzyna M. Dziegielewska, Shane A. Liddelow & Norman R. Saunders - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (3):237-248.
    It is often suggested that during development the brain barriers are immature. This argument stems from teleological interpretations and experimental observations of the high protein concentrations in fetal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and decreases in apparent permeability of passive markers during development. We argue that the developmental blood–CSF barrier restricts the passage of lipid‐insoluble molecules by the same mechanism as in the adult (tight junctions) rendering the paracellular pathway an unlikely route of entry. Instead, we suggest that both protein and passive (...)
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    (K)ein Fach wie jedes andere? Feministische Lehre im Professionalisierungsprozeß.Heike Kahlert - 2001 - Die Philosophin 12 (23):74-92.
  44.  9
    Taking Sides in the Oilfields: For a Politically Engaged Anthropology.Heike Schaumberg - 2008 - In Heidi Armbruster & Anna Lærke, Taking Sides: Ethics, Politics, and Fieldwork in Anthropology. Berghahn Books. pp. 199.
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    The Powers of Aristotle's Soul.Thomas Kjeller Johansen - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
  46.  36
    Boundary Work and Power in the Controversy Over Therapeutic Touch in Finnish Nursing Science.Pia Vuolanto - 2015 - Minerva 53 (4):359-380.
    The boundary work approach has been established as one of the main ways to study controversies in science. However, it has been proposed that it does not meet the power dynamics of the scientific field sufficiently. This article concentrates on the intertwining of boundary work and power. It combines the boundary work approach developed by Thomas Gieryn and the analysis of power in the work of Pierre Bourdieu. Based on a literature review and an analysis of a controversy over therapeutic (...)
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  47.  27
    The Gender Perspective in Nursing Research: A Theoretical Treasure Chest or a ‘Thorn’ in the Side?Pia Vuolanto & Anne Laiho - 2017 - Minerva 55 (3):371-390.
    This article contributes to the current discussion on interdisciplinarity in the health research field. It focuses on the relationship between nursing research and gender research. Nursing research is a ‘health sciences’ field which draws from the social sciences, the humanities, and biomedicine. Previous research shows the difficulties that social scientists face in their efforts to integrate with biomedical scientists. The aim of this article is to analyse nursing researchers’ views about one potential collaboration partner in the social sciences and humanities: (...)
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  48.  21
    Heritage Speakers as Part of the Native Language Continuum.Heike Wiese, Artemis Alexiadou, Shanley Allen, Oliver Bunk, Natalia Gagarina, Kateryna Iefremenko, Maria Martynova, Tatiana Pashkova, Vicky Rizou, Christoph Schroeder, Anna Shadrova, Luka Szucsich, Rosemarie Tracy, Wintai Tsehaye, Sabine Zerbian & Yulia Zuban - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We argue for a perspective on bilingual heritage speakers as native speakers of both their languages and present results from a large-scale, cross-linguistic study that took such a perspective and approached bilinguals and monolinguals on equal grounds. We targeted comparable language use in bilingual and monolingual speakers, crucially covering broader repertoires than just formal language. A main database was the open-access RUEG corpus, which covers comparable informal vs. formal and spoken vs. written productions by adolescent and adult bilinguals with heritage-Greek, (...)
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    Human Dignity and the Profoundly Disabled.Pia Matthews - 2011 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 17 (2):185-203.
    One challenge to the concept of human dignity is that it is a rootless notion invoked simply to mask inequalities that inevitably exist between human beings. This privileging of humans is speciesist and its weak point is the profoundly disabled human being. This article argues that far from being a weak point, the profoundly disabled person is a source of strength and witness to the intrinsic dignity that all human beings have by virtue of being human. The disabled represent the (...)
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  50. In defense of inner sense: Aristotle on perceiving that one sees.Thomas Johansen - 2005 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 21:235-276.
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